Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Boston Kremes & Semi Frozen Rivers

Hey All Y'all, thought I'd post a few recent photos. Unfortunately I forgot my camera the last time I went to Dunkin Donuts, which was about a half hour ago, on my way home from indoor soccer (a tie game for the Chipmunks!), otherwise I would post a picture of those most delightful donuts that those of you outside of New England must be missing so dearly! They await your return... if you feel a photo of these pastries would lift your spirits let me know...

Looking out on the frozen CT River from Amy's Bakery

Carolina and Ayako at our home base in the Graduate Building Basement

Hmong Cultural Celebration! Emily, Amelia, Nancy, Yuki & Mystery Man (initials BL) with a touch of Hmong Style!

Icicles formed on my windows during our recent cooler weather (though still wondering when it will snow so I can get out the student activities sleds and bobsled it down the hill in front of Boyce house!)

1 comment:

xoussef said...

Ayako is sooo pretty !!! ^^